
Jim and Winnie
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Friday, September 12, 2003

"New pictures"
Sorry for the delay. Here are the new pictures.
Posted by Winnie 4:03 PM
Tuesday, September 02, 2003

"Still working..."
We know that we've been slacking off on updating this site. See, they are finally walking, and it's just impossible to get any free time to update this blog. Even when we got time at night, we've been catching up with movies that we've missed for the last year. I still would like to watch some of the movies on big screen though, especially Lord of the rings. What a great movie!!! Well, not much going on these days, just keeping the kids safe from falling or eating things on the floor. They are talking a bit too. They have been baby talking a tiny bit of Cantonese, English, and something we couldn't quite understand. Max can make some animal sounds like Oink (Pig) and Quack (Duck). They love Cheerios, potatoes, rice, banana, and anything they aren't supposed to have like chocolate, nuts, etc.

The Labor Day weekend was great. Angela and Josephine came and stayed with us for a day. The kids always get excited to meet new people, so they get to play with their cell phones, shoes, handbags, and anything they can get into. We couldn't really take them out and show them around town, but we did take them to places near our home. We had a great time talking and hanging out with them. Hope you all had a good long weekend.

Posted by Winnie 1:26 PM

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